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Frequently Asked Questions


Where do I report election law violations?

When can I vote as an absentee?

When must the marked absentee ballot be returned?

If I have requested an absentee ballot, may I vote at my precinct on election day?

What does it mean that Florida is a "Closed Primary" state?

May I vote in an election if I registered to vote only a few days before the election?

I am a convicted felon and wish to have my voting rights restored, what do I do?

I need assistance in voting, what do I do?

I have moved to a new residence, what do I do?

My name has been removed from the voter rolls, what do I do?

I am interested in the functions of a poll worker, what do I do?

I am interested in the functions of a poll watcher, what do I do?


Can I get information from the voter registration records?

Yes. In Florida, voter registration records are open to the public and may be examined, but not duplicated or sold commercially by anyone. When there are official requests for lists of registered voters, the Supervisor of Elections has 15 days to respond. These requests may only be made by government agencies, candidates, registered political committees, political parties and incumbent officeholders. Note: No person who acquires such a list, shall use any information contained therein for purposes which are not related to elections, political or governmental activities, voter registration, or law enforcement. (see section 98.095 Florida Statutes)


Where do I report election law violations?

Violations relating to chapters 104 and 106, Florida Statutes, should be reported by sworn written complaint to: The Florida Elections Commission, Room 2002, The Capitol, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250

Violations of either the National Voter Registration Act of 1993,or any irregularities or fraud involving voter registration , removal procedures, or voting under the Florida Election Code should be reported in writing to: Division of Elections R.A. Gray Building, Suite 316, 500 S. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250


When can I vote absentee?

All qualified electors are permitted to vote absentee under Florida law. An elector, or someone designated by the elector, may request an absentee ballot from the supervisor of elections in person, by mail, or by telephone, or on this website. One request can cover all elections through two(2) reqularly scheduled general elections. The person requesting an absentee ballot must disclose:

  • The name of thevoter for whom the ballot is requested
  • The voter’s address
  • The voter’s date of birth
  • The voter's drivers license number (if available)
  • The voter's signature (written request only)
  • The requester’s name
  • The requester’s address
  • The requester’s driver license number (if available)
  • The requester’s relationship to thevoter
  • The requester’s signature (written request only)



    When must the marked absentee ballot be returned?

    Marked ballots must be received by mail or delivered in person to the supervisor of elections office no later than 7 p.m. on the day of the election.


    If I have requested an absentee ballot, may I vote at my precinct on election day?

    If you have obtained an absentee ballot but are able to vote in your precinct on election day, you must take the ballot with you to the polls, whether or not it has been marked. However, if you are unable to return the absentee ballot, you may vote a provision ballot at your polling place.


    What does it mean that Florida is a "closed primary" state?

    Only voters who are registered members of the two major political parties (Republicans and Democrats) may vote for their respective party’s candidates in a primary election. Registered minor political party voters and voters without party affiliation are not eligible to vote for major party candidates in a primary election.

    However, if all candidates in a primary election have the same party affiliation and the winner will have no opposition in the general election, all qualified electors, regardless of party affiliation, may vote in the primary election for that office.

    All registered voters, including those without party affiliation and minor political party voters are entitled to vote for nonpartisan judicial and school board offices, special districts and local referendum questions in a primary election.


    May I vote in an election if I registered to vote only a few days before the election?

    You may apply to register to vote any time by mail or in person. However, the registration books will be closed on the 29th day before each election and will remain closed until after that election. You must be registered for at least 29 days before you can vote in an election. When the registration books are closed for an election, voter registration and party changes are accepted, but only for the purpose of subsequent elections. The date your voter registration application is postmarked or hand delivered to the supervisor of elections is your registration date.


    I am a convicted felon and wish to have my voting rights restored, what do I do?

    For information about the process governing eligibility to vote after a felony conviction, please visit the Division of elections' website at Constitutional Amendment 4/Felon Voting Rights.

  • Top

  • I need assistance in voting, what do I do?

    Upon request, a need for assistance at the polls may be designated on an elector’s registration record. The elector can designate someone of his or her own choice, other than an employer, or an officer or agent of the person’s union. Election officials may also provide assistance.


    I have moved to a new residence, what do I do?

    Generally, you cannot vote in any precinct other than the one in which you live and are registered; however, if you are temporarily living outside your home county, you can apply to be registered and vote in the precinct that contains the main office of the supervisor of elections. These electors will not be registered to vote in municipal elections.

    If you move your residence outside your assigned precinct, you may vote in the precinct to which you have moved. If you move to another county in Florida after the closing of the registration books for an election, you may be allowed to vote for President and Vice President, United States Senator, statewide offices and statewide issues in your former county through the general election, but not after.


    My name has been removed from the voter rolls, what do I do?

    Removal/Reinstatement Of Names On Voter Rolls

    Periodically, supervisors of elections will send address confirmation final notices to voters when the post office has indicated that these voters have moved outside the supervisor’s county or left a forwarding address. All voters who have been mailed an address confirmation final notice and who do not return the form within 30 days will be placed on the inactive voter registration list. Voters on the inactive list can be reinstated by updating their voter registration, appearing to vote, or requesting an absentee ballot, providing their status has not changed. However, after two general federal elections from the date the final notice was sent, all inactive voters who show no activity will be removed from the registration records and must register again in order to vote.


    I am interested in the functions of a poll worker, what do I do?

    Poll inspectors and clerks are appointed by the supervisor at least 20 days before an election. The election board of each precinct shall attend the polling place by 6 a.m. of the day of the election. Individuals desiring to work at the polls must contact their local supervisor of elections.


    I am interested in the functions of a poll watcher, what do I do?

    Each political party and each candidate may have one poll watcher in each voting room at any one time during an election. Poll watchers must be registered electors in the county and cannot be candidates or law enforcement officers. Each party and each candidate requesting to have poll watchers must designate, in writing to the supervisor of elections, poll watchers for each precinct prior to noon of the second Tuesday preceding the election.
