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Vote by Mail Ballot Information

Who Can Vote by Mail?
Any qualified registered Union County Voter is entitled to vote a vote by mail Ballot.  

Requesting a vote by mail Ballot (F.S.101.62)
A Vote by mail ballot may be requested for a specific election or for all elections. (NEW) Vote by mail Ballot requests are good through one (1) year. The request can be made in person, by mail, by telephone, or on this website. Only the voter or a designated member of his or her immediate family or legal guardian can request an absentee ballot for the voter. Immediate family means the voter's spouse, the parent, child, grandparent, or sibling of the voter or of the voter's spouse, or legal guardian. A request from the voter must include the following information:

  • The name of the voter for whom the ballot is requested.
  • The voter's address (residence and mailing).
  • The voter's date of birth.
  • The voter's Drivers License (if available).
  • The voter's signature (written request only).

If the voter has designated an immediate family member or legal guardian to request his/her vote by mail ballot, that designee must provide the above information in addition to the following:

  • The requester's name.
  • The requester's address.
  • The requester's Drivers License (if available).
  • The requester's relationship to the voter.
  • The requester's signature (written requests only).

We've provided a list of frequently asked questions and answers and detailed information below.  

Picking Up a Vote by Mail Ballot
A qualified voter may also designate in writing another person to pick up his or her ballot (F.S. 101.62(b)4). Designees may pick up ballots up to nine days prior to the day of the election. Designees may pick up two (2) vote by mail ballots only, per election, other than his or her own, except for ballots picked up for members of his or her immediate family. The designee must provide picture identification approved by the Department of State, the written authorization from the voter, and complete an affidavit.      

Voting a Vote by Mail Ballot in Person (F.S. 101.62(4(c)), Fla. Stat.)
A qualified voter may vote his or her vote by mail ballot in person at the Supervisor of Elections Office as soon as the ballots are available. The voter must present a Florida Drivers License, a Florida Identification Card, or some other form of picture identification approved by the Department of State, as well as signature identification.  

Voting a Vote by Mail Ballot (F.S. 101.661 & 101.64)
The voter must personally vote the ballot (unless assistance is required). The voter must sign the return envelope.  

Returning Your Vote by Mail Ballot (F.S. 101.67 and F.S 101.69)
Voted vote by mail ballots must be returned to the Supervisor of Elections Office in person or by mail and must be received no later than 7 p.m. election day for the ballot to be counted. A voted vote by mail ballot may be dropped into a secure box at any designated early voting site during early voting or at the Supervisor of Elections' main office and branch office any time before 7 p.m. on Election Day. A VOTED BALLOT CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AT A POLLING PLACE ON ELECTION DAY!


MilitaryOverseas Voting Information

You may obtain the Standard Form 76 (SF76), Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) forms from your unit administration office or unit Voting Assistance Office (VAO). Spouses and dependents are considered to be of the same category of vote by mail voter as military members and generally should follow the same rules. Complete this form and send it to the Supervisor of Elections Office, 175 W Main St Lake Butler, FL 32054. You can also request a vote by mail ballot through any of the methods listed on this web site. U.S. Embassies and Consulates can assist in completing, witnessing, and mailing FPCA forms, vote by mail ballots and other election materials. Federal portions of general election and presidential preference primary ballots voted by persons outside the U.S. are counted, if dated by the voter next to his or her signature, no later than election day and received by the Supervisor of Elections within 10 days of the election. Additional military election information is available from:  

Office of Secretary of Defense
1155 Defense Program
Washington, D.C. 20331-1155
Toll Free: 1/800-438-8683